Chapter 5: Recount

a. Pengertian

Recount text adalah salah satu bentuk teks yang menceritakan kisah-kisah di masa lampau baik pengalaman pribadi, pengalaman kelompok, atau segala event-event tertentu yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia atau konteks tulisan berbahasa Indonesia, jenis teks recount ini bisa disetarakan dengan catatan pribadi seperti misalnya catatan harian atau catatan observasi yang fungsinya lebih sebagai pengingat. 

Ciri-Ciri Recount Text
  1. Menggunakan kalimat past tense karena menceritakan suatu kejadian yang sudah terjadi.
  2. Menggunakan conjunction dan time connectives seperti before, after, then, when dan first untuk merangkai satu kejadian dan kejadian lainnya.
  3. Menggunakan action verbs seperti visit, walk, eat dan go.
  4. Menggunakan adverbs and adverbial phrase.
Macam-Macam Recount Text
1. Personal Recount Text
Personal recount text adalah jenis recount text yang menceritakan pengalaman pribadi si penulis seperti pengalaman liburan, pengalaman di sekolah atau bahkan pengalaman tak terlupakan yang membuat kita terus mengingat kejadian tersebut. 
2. Imaginative Recount Text
Imaginative recount text adalah jenis recount text yang menceritakan imaginasi penulis tentang suatu hal dan dituliskan dalam bentuk past tense
3. Factual Recount Text
Factual recount text adalah jenis recount text yang membahas tentang suatu hal yang benar-benar terjadi (fakta) di masa lampau.
4. Historical Recount Text
Historical recount text merupakan jenis recount text yang membahas tentang sejarah baik itu tempat bersejarah maupun benda bersejarah.
Struktur Recount Text
1. Orientation (Pembuka)
Orientation berisi awalan cerita. Bagian ini biasanya menjelaskan tentang latar cerita seperti tempat dan waktu kejadian.
2. Event (Isi)
Event berisi inti cerita dari recount text. Bagian ini menjelaskan kejadian secara berurutan dari kejadian A ke kejadian B.
3. Reorientation (Kesimpulan atau Penutup Teks)
Reorientation berisi pengulangan dan penutup jalannya cerita.

b. Contoh Recount Text
Fish Pond
At last year holiday I didn’t go anywhere.
I just stay at home for the whole month. It was not too bad to spend the holiday at home because I had something to do. I did a small project building a small fishpond at home.
What I need is river sand, cement, and some tools. I choose the middle space of my yard. After that, I made the design.
Anyway, I would like to keep some koi fish at that fishpond, so that I had to make the design as well as I can. I preferred to choose the nature landscape as the model.
I did it alone, day and night. I was so happy to do that.
After two weeks, I finished it. It was a small beautiful fishpond with nature landscape designed.
Before I put on it some koi fish, I fill the water and waited for about two weeks to make sure that the fishpond was free from poison.
Finally, I bought 5 koi fish and keep them at my new fishpond.
It was a nice thing to spend the holiday at home.

One of my favourite things in Junior High School was camping.
Once a mount my school held a routine extracurricular that was camping at some mountain or camping field in my town. Usually the event was at first Saturday night in a month.
One day at the camping time, we all gathered at the school first before we went together at the camping area.
We were grouped in teams and each team has its own tent. We went to the camping area by bus.
At the afternoon around 4 pm we had already been there. We built our own tent before we continue the activities.
After building the tent, bathing, and having a break, we start the rundown of the activities.
One thing I love most was the activity of Jerit Malam (nightmare training). It was held at 10 pm until 1 am in the morning.
We all, every team, were scattered into the jungle to find the letters in a bottle. The camping committees had prepared something to frighten us by wearing ghost or zombie costume and chased after us.
Anyway, I was never afraid of that but I was so happy seeing some of my friends screaming and running. I laughed loudly at that event because I think both of the ghost and the victims were totally funny.
The ghost or the zombie never frightened us who were not afraid, but they will run after them who were too afraid.
That was so fun experience that I had in Junior High School.

I had a silly experience when I was at senior high school.
One day I was absent from English class. I felt bored with the teacher that never innovated his way of teaching.
I knew he was too old and soon would be retired from his duty. He often forgot what he had done for the class.
For example, he repeated last week lesson and he never remember who the members of the class were.
That’s became my opportunity to left the class as he would never remember it. I was absent at that day class and spent the time by eating at school canteen. I take the sit near the window.
When I enjoy my food, i did not know that the English teacher also left the class and eat at the same school canteen.
I can remember his voice ordering some food and drink and finally I knew that he was coming and sitting behind me.
Actually I was afraid if he recognized me. There were only me and him who were eating at that canteen.
Of course he greeted me, “You don’t have any class?”
and I replied, “No sir, the teacher was absent so that I’m here to have breakfast.”
Then he replied too, “Good answer boy, I know you should at my class right now. I never forget my students actually and I always repeat that boring lesson because that’s the only way for students like you and your friends to be able to remember that better.”
“I’m coming here is for one purpose, to ask you back to class because you never come to my class for several weeks. I’m afraid you will miss the examination.”
I was really embarrassed at that moment and after that I never absent in his class.

Semoga bermanfaat dan mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan atau kekurangan^^


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